🖊️ Electric Shock

 To: (123) 456-7890 -- From: Raven


Song: [Wildfire - Seafret]

Book: [The ABCs of LGBTQ+ - Ashley Mardell]

Keywords: [unexpected love]

Have you ever had a friend that you sort-of knew, who you enjoyed spending time with but who you didn't know super well, and then you both shared a moment-

It was like an electric shock through your entire body and being, that made you realize, "This person fascinates me." This person, who you sort-of knew for a long time but had never really investigated... this moment happened and you knew nothing would ever be the same again, for the rest of your life. Because the universe shocked your soul open and showed you this person and your feelings for them came pouring in.

It happened to me. And it was the best thing that's ever happened to me.

When the universe wakes you up with these surreal moments, listen. Please listen, because your life just might change for the better.



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