🖊️ If we ever break up...

To: (123) 456-7890 -- From: Raven


Song: [Pictures - Seafret]

Book: [The House on Mango Street - Sandra Cisneros]

Keywords: [girlfriend]

If we ever break up, promise me one thing.

I won't make you promise to never date anyone else or think of me when you're kissing other people or not move on because I'll always love you.

I'll tell you a story instead. I'll remind you of the night where we poured our souls out to each other and said "I love you" before we really knew what was happening but because it felt right. I'll pull up the memory of when we said that our love in this moment is eternal, even if our relationship isn't eternal. 

We're realistic; we know high school relationships are tricky and barely ever last. That people change, circumstances change... life goes on, and eventually we have to decide what's stopping us from moving with the current.

So if we ever break up, promise me that you'll remember those little pieces of our hearts that will always belong to each other. Even if we're not in love anymore, promise me that you'll still care for the fragment of me that you own and the memories we made together, preserved in passed time for eternity.

If we ever break up, promise me you will never forget us.



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