🖊️ "Without Each Other"

To: (123) 456-7890 -- From: Raven


Song: [The Night We Met - Lord Huron]

Book: [Last Night at the Telegraph Club - Malinda Lo]

Keywords: [girlfriend, no-contact, trips]

Ok, preface, this is gonna be a lot of rambling and a lot of philosophy... you have been warned...

Before she left, my girlfriend and I used the words "learning how to live without each other" a lot, because that's what we thought this would be: living without each other. But I think we may have gotten it a bit wrong. Cause today didn't feel like I was "without" her at all; looking back, I don't know how we thought this would be "without" each other. She's with me in our memories, the photos I have of her, the voice notes and text messages she's sent me, and the promises we have to each other for when she comes home.

We had no way of knowing what this was going to be like. Neither of us still have no way of knowing what the next 20 days are going to be like. But we've both gotten through Day 1. I have no idea how she's doing all the way in Denmark, but I hope she's doing okay <3

Something else noteworthy:

I didn't realize just how much I shared with my girlfriend until she wasn't there for me to text. I dreamt of her for the first time last night, but I couldn't tell her. I realized that I got roped into doing all the work for someone else on a project, and she would've heard all about it for hours if she were here. It's all the little things that you don't even really realize you share until you don't have the ability to share them anymore.

Something my mom advised me to do was write her letters. At first I brushed off the idea because texting is so much faster, but I realized that there's something significant about a handwritten letter for both people. It was really therapeutic to write to her, and I hope that my handwriting has at least a little bit of an affect on her when she holds the papers in her hands 3 weeks from now. 

So there's your tip if you're reading this for advice: write letters. Tell them everything you wish they were there to hear, and doodle all over the pages, and take your sweet time addressing the envelope so you can relish the feeling of writing their name.

[Good night, beautiful. I'm thinking about you constantly, wondering what you're doing and if you're having fun. I hope you are :)]



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