🖊️ Heartstopper

To: (123) 456-7890 -- From: Raven


Song: [Heartstopper - Adiescar Chase]

Book: [Ash - Malinda Lo]

Keywords: [being queer, girlfriend, Heartstopper]

I've been sitting in front of this computer for a good 45 seconds, unable to type because of my emotions. I just finished Season 2 of Heartstopper (Nick + Charlie are so adorable ahhh), and I wanted to write on how beautiful LGBTQ+ love is. 

It's not that straight people don't have beautiful love; that's not what I'm saying. But every single (healthy) queer relationship I've ever seen has been this spectacular display of colors. I think that because the world makes such a huge deal about coming out and being LGBTQ+, we all become these... such bright, beautiful people.

I think there are definitely some queer people out there who don't feel beautiful, or who live in a very dull world. Homo/transphobia is hard- life is hard. But I think that whenever possible, LGBTQ+ people try to take that hardship, that we all endure one way or another, and choose to rise from it into this magnificent person. There are some people in this world who believe that we shouldn't exist, that we are somehow wrong for loving certain people or being who we are. It's important to remember that a defining act in LGBTQ+ history is literally a riot.

Being LGBTQ+ shouldn't have to be a big deal, but it is, and it's going to be for a long time. So my people have found ways to counteract all that hate and nosiness and bigotry: by basically becoming human rainbows!! 🌈

Circling back- LGBTQ+ relationships are some of the most beautiful things that I have ever seen in my entire life. It's as if the universe didn't know how to express all of the amazing things that come with being LGBTQ+, so it bottled it up and placed it in the bonds between every LGBTQ+ person. It's literally like something out of a movie; my friends Hope and Sophie have gone through some tough shit, but when they're together all of us just smile because it's blatantly obvious how infatuated they are with each other. I know from experience; I am head over fucking heels for my girlfriend. I get stars in my eyes every time I even think about her, and we both turn into giggling, staring messes whenever we see each other.

Ok, my train of thought has completely derailed so I hope you enjoyed that probably very convoluted post!! Bye :)



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